The week has limped on. The rest of my carpet was installed on Monday. Glad that process is complete. My TV in the livingroom had cable issues for some 24 hours on Tuesday/Wednesday, but that finally passed -- after clocking hours on the phone with Cox. My garage door opener died, but revived with a new battery. My car also died, and it too revived after a new battery. My friend, Linda Campbell went back into the hospital last night. According to her brother, she will die there in the next few days. Unfortunately, there is not a new battery to take care of her. I am sad.
On Thursday I took Mom and Nelda to Botannica. A new Children's Garden opened last spring, and I had not seen it yet.
The weather was beautiful and just a tinge hot. We all enjoyed the outing.
I got some gardening in this week. I planted a couple of shrubs and had a Crimson Red Maple planted by the nursery guys. The dahlias and zinnias cooperated for a nice centerpiece.
Grandma had two traumas this week. One involved learning to use the washers in her building. Thank goodness Nelda was there to help her through that. The second occured when she tried to bake an angel food cake for today's dessert. Seems that her oven is malfunctioning and only the broiler comes on. Apparently the cake was burned to a blackened charcoal, and the pan was ruined. Grandma, was UN-done! You know how her ego is tied up in her angel food cake mastery. Soooooo......I decided that I would bake one to take it's place. I've got to tell you, it was no big deal. Came out looking pretty good, and tasted O.K. too.
Bud and Mary came over for dinner today. I did a pot roast with mashed potatoes and gravy at my house.
After stopping by the old house to see how the sale was being laid out, we went on to Grandma's for dessert.
Her new place works just fine for entertaining a small group of folks.