It's March already, and that means the Garden Show. Barbara and Joe the Lawn Boy came down on Friday and we did the show.
On Saturday I went back and did a 2 hour shift in the Master Garderners booth and a 2 1/2 hour shift at the Quilt Guild display. It's always so nice to be among the green and growing things when we're all so tired of winter and eager for spring. Lots of inspiration. But the weather continues to be cruddy, so no gardening yet.
Now the thing with Toby is, he LOVES his water dish -- so much so that he now has a second water dish that stays in my shower where he can't make water messes. Of course, I have to take it out each time I get into the shower. So, on one particular day, I took his dish out, put it in HIS sink, and forgot to take it out. I figure that nap time came and he couldn't get into his sink, so he went looking for another one.
He has now claimed all three bathroom sinks as "Nap Zones."
Today is Barbara's Day, but NOT her birthday! She's getting another new hip this afternoon. Stephanie is with her for the surgery, and I'll be going up on Thursday afternoon to bring her home from the hospital on Friday morning and be nurse for a while. All good thoughts for Barbara today.